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boo boink

Technical term for the age old saying 'its not rape if you shout surprise before hand..'

Calum: Dunno wot to do about this bird mate, shes so shy. what should I do?
Chris: Just follow her home and give her a boo boink.

by Chrisseh November 17, 2008

11👍 9👎


Replacement internet lingo for 'lol' (laugh out loud)
Some weirdo's say lol in real life - and if you do an impression of someone saying 'lol' out loud you write it as lul.
if you are talking about a n00b who was lol'ing it up all day you would say how he kept lul'ing all the time.

Jack: omg my mums a fricken hoe bag bitch
John: lul


Jake: ffs this kid last night came on our vent channel and he kept tk'in me n was like lulululululul

by Chrisseh November 21, 2007

266👍 268👎