Source Code

Godwin's Exception

When a forum member intentionally references Nazis or Hitler to close a thread, the forum member concedes any right to continue the thread, but the thread is not considered closed.

User1: Absolutely ridiculous. You know who else had a special police force that jailed their citizens for disagreeing with them? That's right. The Nazi party.
User2: I'm calling Godwin's Exception. The Godwin's Corollary only functions when you mean it. You're clearly trying to short circuit the conversation.

by Chuck80 March 8, 2012

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split braining

The action of thinking about two different subjects or ideas while attempting to communicate, usually resulting in communications failures.

Person A: I just hit a deer.

Person B (Thought 1): Did it have antlers? That would be a buck.
Person B (Thought 1): I hope you avoided getting hurt. I probably would have ducked.

Person B: Was it a duck?

Person A: No, but I wish it was.

Person A: I'm sorry, I was split braining there.

by Chuck80 December 6, 2011