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I needa get me $50 so I can get a goddamn bag of chunk!

by ChunkDaddy July 2, 2010

11👍 12👎

wise monkey

Someone that is usually very astute but reverts to a monkey like state whenever they consume alcohol.

Carrie- "Can I bring my friend John to the BBQ?" ChunkDaddy- "Hell no! I don't want that wise monkey fuckin up any my shit."

by ChunkDaddy September 20, 2010

point out

To sell a larger bag of chunk(crystal)by the tenth of a gram, at $10 a .1g. Also known as selling shit point for point.

Lemme get a gram for $80" "Nope I'm fuckn behind almost a G to my mexican so I gotta point out the rest." Shit I ain't payin point for point on a gram u fuckn crackhead!

by ChunkDaddy July 2, 2010

20👍 34👎

speed bump

A girl that'll fuck for meth.A female that prostitutes herself for methamphetamine.

Oscar-"I really like Sara. Last night we did some shit and talked till 6am. I think I'm going to ask her out." ChunkDaddy-"You got Sara spun and all u did was talk all night? U the biggest bitch I know! Dat speed bump suck my balls b4 I even knew her name cuz she hear I had a bag."

by ChunkDaddy September 4, 2010

5👍 5👎


person who is ALWAYS tore back. Signs include wearing same dirty outfit for days and not giving a shit how they look because they're too high to care what anybody thinks. It becomes a lifestyle.

Ray-"Tiffany used to have a bangin ass and huge tits. Not no more. Saw her last night and she look like shit'" ChunkDaddy-"Yeah I knocked the bottom outta that back in the day. Now she just another torebackian."

by ChunkDaddy September 18, 2010

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The unique and annoying language spoken by flailers(tweekers).

Sara was twacked the fuck out so bad all she could do was pick at her face in the mirror and ramble on and on about someone stealing her shit. I didn't understand half of what she said; it was just flailanese to me.

by ChunkDaddy July 2, 2010

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