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A smartphone used primarily for looking up porn and sending suggestive texts.

Jez is such a creep! Look at the message he just sent me from his smutphone!!

by Clarebear81 February 19, 2011

cell phone

An electronic device that imprisons you.

John wasn't granted access to his wife and kids. He had been sentenced to a life long-career with a cell phone.

by Clarebear81 February 14, 2011

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Somebody who claims connections with Ireland to make themselves sound more culturally grounded, cool or sexy. Abbreviation of 'wannabe Irish'.

Dave is always going on about his distant relations from Dublin, but he hasn't actually been there. He's so Wirish.

by Clarebear81 December 4, 2010


The feeling of extreme irritation you experience when the email function on your apple mac malfunctions yet again.

Moluk: "Watch out for Jenny! She's experiencing some serious entou-rage at the moment because her mac has crashed for the fifth time today!"
Cassie: "Jeezuz! Who can blame her? It stresses me out so much when that happens!"

by Clarebear81 December 2, 2010

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Working from phone

To use your phone to complete activities you'd normally do in the office. Often used to justify extended lunch engagements.

"Tessa, are you sure that going to lunch with Andy is such a great idea? You know how busy we are this afternoon...."

"Hey, chill out Lucy, it's fine: I'll be working from phone."

by Clarebear81 November 19, 2011


A presentation that you really hate working on, usually in powerpoint.

Tarek would have liked nothing more than to stay in the pub all afternoon, however he was forced to go back to the office to work on the dreaded 900 slide client resentation for Friday.

by Clarebear81 April 26, 2011

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

carnal footprint

A measure of one's sexual activity and its impact.

John tended to avoid sex on a Sunday in an attempt to off-set his carnal footprint.

by Clarebear81 March 21, 2011

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