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A date that is so incredibly awful that the only reason you don't walk out is so that you can describe the scene in detail to your friends for years to come.

Although Craig was possibly the most outrageously boring man she had ever been on a date with, Alice felt that she had to stay until the end as it would at least make an amazing anecdate to tell her friends about afterwards.

by Clarebear81 June 20, 2011

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An expensive piece of technological equipment from apple that rarely functions/gets lost/become superceeded by the why-pad2.

After she had spent 2 hours unsuccessfully trying to download the document, Rhiannon was beginning to question the reasons she'd been so excited about getting the why-pad in the first place.

by Clarebear81 April 9, 2011


A bikini worn whilst skiing.

It was so hot in Flaine on the ski holiday that the girls had no choice but to sport a biskini on the slopes. None of the instructors seems to mind too much.

by Clarebear81 April 9, 2011

Whitechapel jetlag

A condition commonly suffered after excessive partying, named after London's most hedonistic district. The effect is reminiscent of the effects of long distance air travel, whereby your body no longer has any concept of what time of day or night it really is.

Cassie was struggling on on Sunday. After Friday's drinks got a bit out of hand, she had a serious case of Whitechapel jetlag and still isn't completely sure what day it is.

by Clarebear81 January 9, 2011

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To be extremely proficient at getting an enviable suntan at the first hint of decent weather.

Jay had only been on the beach for 3 days with moderate sun exposure, but already his skin colour gave the impression that he'd been in Hawaii for a month. He was an extremely tanented sunbather.

by Clarebear81 March 11, 2011


(n) a person who an an encyclopedic knowledge of all matters relating to online media but is interlectually average on all other topics.

Did you hear Charles' original and insightful speech at the Facebook conference? I was so goddam impressed.' 'I wouldn't be. The guy is an internetual, so although he knows pretty much everything about social media, if you want to discuss any other subject with him, you are likely to be very disappointed.

by Clarebear81 June 20, 2011