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Crumb whore

A crumb whore is the girl at the end of the night that trolls the bar or party for that last minute bang. The girl who looks to clean up the scraps. Once she finds her prize she will make a nibbling noise.

"That crumb whore looks hungry, she won't be going home alone tonight"

by Cliggs August 9, 2015

Beer dong

The term beer dong is used to describe the act in which a drunken male has sex with a sober female.He will most likely ravage her,which creates an uneven playing field in the coitus due to the male's vast consumption of alcohol. This usually occurs at the end of an evening.

Opposite of whiskey dick.

He gives her the beer dong.

Cliff: "Man, Anthony really gave Shannon the beer dong last night!"

by Cliggs March 18, 2013


Chubbin is a slang term for the emotional post-relationship feeling that you get after losing a girlfriend. The act of dwelling on how much you miss the relationship or significant other.

Charles: "Hey, where's Jamal?"
Tito: "Man he's just sitting home chubbin on his ex."

by Cliggs March 17, 2013

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