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A very special way of pooing, or someone who is suffering from the disease randomia (being random too much).

You utterly stinky pooey schmelle schmelley idiotic cobranical son of a bitch, you are suffering from randomization

by Cobrania February 20, 2005

37👍 11👎

schmelle schmelle

A German/French way of saying crap, shit, poo, etc.

Oh, schmelle schmelle, i just shited in a bucket.

by Cobrania February 18, 2005

56👍 15👎


500 million years ago a group of cobranical, schmelle schmelley people discovered an ancient element called COBRANIUM. It was worth quadrillions of US $Dollars but they just ate it. On the day that glorious element became shite, everyone was so very fecked of. Well, they would be.

LINDA: Oh my, John, is that Cobranium?
JOHN: Hell No!, Thats my shit

(It may have a misleading appearance)

by Cobrania February 19, 2005

46👍 11👎


An excessively, unnecessary, random term to describe the unknown phenomenon, Olu!

John: Wow, Linda, thats the muthafecking Louvre, being the excessive Art Fan that i am!(Like Langdon) (P.S. I AM cool)...
Linda: How fecking Oluic!

by Cobrania September 2, 2005

49👍 20👎


How do you define it? One could ask, what is Olu. But they would be closer to the truth to ask ~when~ is Olu. Scientists over the years have proposed many theories. One such scientist living a pooey schmelle schmelley sad life, who enjoyed pooing, by the name of Cobranium, claimed to have discovered a source featuring an output of sound, presumed the voice of ~THE~ OLU!!!!!!

Some say it's just a myth, but others, oh the others...

...believe it as a religion, as one of their own, however there is no strict evidence, or no way, discovered by me Cobrania, that anyone can ever know what, or when, Olu is.

UPDATE: Olu is a man living in Croydon

Look its OLU!!!!!
John: feck no u son of a bitch, you are a complete retard, u deserve to poo for the rest of your life, i mean a respected known urbandictionary author, COBRANIA, discovered it can't be done.Idiotical cobranical fool.

by Cobrania March 15, 2005

71👍 38👎


(adj) A word used when a person or object is acting like a cobra (cobra), and they enjoy being noobs, anyway...

since i want to continue this definition you can also check out these words, they're pretty cool:

schmelle schmelle (by me!!!!!)

John, you g** f***ing cobranical son of a b**ch. Do you enjoy squirming around on the floor trying to be a cobra?

I mean come on. Did you watch that Simpsons episode again or something? Get a grip...

by Cobrania February 18, 2005

49👍 12👎