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The belief that people suck and that society is doomed to fail but in my opinion it doesn’t mean it’s their fault.Human nature is just naturally ball juice.My strain of misanthropy is that which includes the concept that people are a product of their environment and time is linear. You can only do things that people claim to be good if you are in a certain mind space or place in wealth and safe from physical harm/mental.The same is with so called bad people, it’s all influenced by your environment and that any person can become evil/not good by whatever standards you judge people by.In the end their are certain patterns in humans that displays greed and contempt. Philosophy,politics, and religion are all used to justify harming others. I don’t blame them tho that’s just how humans are. I and you are just like the rest we are ball juice.

Alysia: So you believe in Misanthropy and people are bad


Alysia: How do you justify this?

Me: *smug face*“They claim their labours are to build a heaven yet their heaven is populated with horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman.”- Dr.Manhattan

by Cockblastof09 April 15, 2022

4👍 2👎

Niggy Nigsters

Sounds racist but its not it just sounds so good phonetically.

Source: I made it up

Paul: Niggy Nigsters

Jim: that’s racist!

Paul: Ok bud

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022


Something people pretend to have until they are inconvenienced or are faced with any kind of uncomfortable confrontation.

Eric: You seen the messed up stuff that goes on in other disadvantaged countries?
John:Yeah all that suffering and terror caused by the pursuit of wealth.We should help!
Eric: You know if capitalism ended we wouldn’t be able to live in hyper luxury and comfort.
John: Oh yeah

Eric:Fuck em lol
Berkeley person: Capitalist pigs, you have no morales!
Capitalists:Don’t you also benefit from the suffering of the disadvantaged regardless of your intentions?
Berkeley person: kill’s themselves with razor-blade made using cheap slave labor and material mined using child labor.

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022

One piece

An anime that’s about a stretchy pirate

Me:*Trying to break ice*don’t do it man let’s talk, you watch anime?
Stranger:*about to jump off a bridge and end his life* this is the first time I’ve been noticed, and yeah I watch anime.
Me:np what’s got you down my guy?
Stranger: I feel alone and no one loves me

Me:I know that it may feel that way but things get better.
Stranger:I’m scared of being miserable forever
Me:Why don’t you come down from their and we can go watch some anime at my place and talk.
Stranger: yeah sure, you like one piece too?
Me:Kys no one loves you and your mid piece.No wonder no one likes you

Stranger: jumps

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022

Sds(stand and deliver syndrome)

When a person goes into teaching or the care of poverty stricken young teens for the sole purpose of living out a savior complex. This syndrome is curable and the remedy is giving them enough time to interact with the disillusioned youth. They end up having petty arguments with most youth and picking a few favorites that are their vision of success.

Beckisha: I understand your situation and can save you!

Ron: Shut your mouth bitch and do your job.

Tyrell: I’ve accepted my fate and realized that the odds are stacked against me.

Raul:I gotta agree with Tyrell and Ron shut up and your just making it a more annoying stay.

Beckisha: Don’t you want to be indoctrinated into a system or movement?

Everyone: No, There’s nothing left to fight for might as well get high and skip school.

Tyrell: Seems like you got a pretty bad case of Sds(Stand and deliver syndrome).You seem to be putting a lot of priority into making us role model citizens. How bout you just shut up and make our downward spiral into the prison system and drug dependency a little more relaxing.

Beckisha: Fuck all of you

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022

10👍 2👎


Something really boring and monotonous.

Me: When I have enough time to reflect on the average humans life I realize how boring experiencing reality is.

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022

Performative racism

When you pretend to be racist or conservative for attention or social gain.

Hot southern chick: Man them dang darned blacks be stealing and killing us whites

Ron:Uh yeah blacks they are mean, my buddy Chris got his confederate flag savagely yanked out of his hand by an African American Blm protester while playing fuck da police and slapping a disabled white veteran with his other hand.

Hot southern chick: omg your so brave *hugs him* and gives her number to him.

Ron: I don’t even care about black people but ya totally worth it!Performative Racism is neat try it sometime!

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022