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vampire squid

Vampire squid refers to any large private or public organization that is a major drain on society through malicious but subtle or invisible actions. These organizations usually get away with what they do because of corruption within the society's regulatory structure.

"The world's most powerful investment bank Goldman Sachs is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."
- Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, "The Feds vs. Goldman Sachs", 2009

The military industrial complex is like a vampire squid that is sucking the capital out of the pockets of the average American.

by Cocomaan May 26, 2010

35👍 6👎

top kill

A method used by oil drillers to stop an oil well from leaking. Used in the 1979 Ixtoc oil spill and considered a failure.

Gee, it'd be great if we could use the top kill method to stop the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill, but we already know it doesn't work.

by Cocomaan May 28, 2010

7👍 4👎

buy the fucking dip

To purchase a stock or commodity during a price decline. Became popular during the post-housing bubble quantitative easing trend, where stocks were guaranteed to rise until a new dawn of American capitalism magically occurred or, alternatively, the money supply exploded resulting in uncontrollable inflation.

Investor 1: Dude, did you see that silver prices went down? What's with that?
Investor 2: Buy the dip. The Bernank will make sure that all prices are rising.
Investor 1: What?
Investor 2: Buy the fucking dip, you fucking idiot.

by Cocomaan February 28, 2011

77👍 11👎