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Hu Jintao

Hu Jintao (Chinese: 胡錦濤) is the current capitalist dictator (or revisionist dictator) of China. Despite what many people will say, Hu is a communist in name only, as most of the industry under his rule is privately owned as opposed to state-owned. He has been labeled as one of the world's worst dictators by several publications and is known for implementing censorship of the Chinese internet. He is also known for continuing the practice of turning China into a place of sweatshops and not of people's needs.

Hu Jintao is busy chipping away at all the communist reforms promised to China by Mao Zedong. If Mao could see what Hu has done to China he would cry.

by ConservatismSucks December 31, 2010

80👍 137👎

Patriot Bible University

A well-known diploma mill located in Colorado, famous for being the alma mater of creationism activist Kent Hovind. The school has never been accredited by any accreditation institution and even claims it has no wish to be. The school sells degrees in such far-ranged topics as Christian education and missionary studies. The main classroom building resembles a trailer park home. In order to get into this school, all you need is a checkbook and a pen.

Erica couldn't get into Regent University since her high school GPA was a 1.04, luckily she got into Patriot Bible University.

by ConservatismSucks December 19, 2009

57👍 107👎


Stands for boycott-divestment-sanctions, a movement used to end Apartheid in South Africa and is now being used to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

The Students for Justice in Palestine club demanded that the college remove all Israeli hoummous from the school dining hall as part of their BDS campaign.

by ConservatismSucks March 24, 2010

27719👍 2340👎


A Palestinian city in the West Bank with a vibrant history. Bethlehem is considered by many to be the birthplace of Jesus. It has been home to one of the largest Christian communities in the Arab World for centuries and is a popular spot of tourism. In Arabic Bethlehem is بيت لحم (BAYT LA-hem) and means "city of meat" or "city of bread". It has been under the rule of the Palestinian Authority since 1995, however the city remains vulnerable to increasing Israeli settlements as well as the separation wall Israel is building.

According to the International Court of Justice, Bethlehem is in Palestine not in Israel, so please stop saying Bethlehem is in Israel when it's not. Study the United Nations Charter and Geneva Convention if you think otherwise.

Samira went to Bethlehem this Christmas to pray in the Church of the Nativity and see her family. Unfortunately, the Israeli soldiers would not let her pass through the checkpoint, so she had to leave two weeks early.

by ConservatismSucks December 15, 2009

84👍 176👎

Emo/Scene Kids SUCK

An epic video on YouTube featuring a young girl with a sidebang explaining the aspects of emo kids and scene kids that are of great annoyance to her as well as to many others. Among her reasons for her contempt of emos and scene kids are their ways of "trying so hard to fit in", "giving new genres to their music" such as calling My Chemical Romance "punk" when they don't know what punk rock is, taking sideways photos that look ridiculous, and pretending to be gay or lesbian.

As of September 2009, the video has received over 500 video responses, one of the highest on YouTube, mostly from pissed off scene kids who can't handle legitimate criticism of their manufactured fashion styles and shitty emo music. The vast majority of these responses simply call the young lady in question "ugly" or "stupid" and do not address the content of her arguments.

The video known as Emo/Scene Kids SUCK is highly informative for anyone doing research on why emo sucks.

by ConservatismSucks September 21, 2009

46👍 117👎

Private Property

Private property is basically the stuff you, and only you, own but do not participate in using yourself though you get whatever benefit that stuff contributes to. For example, a factory is the private property of a factory owner, though the factory owner (boss) doesn't actually work within the factory and instead hires people (wage laborers) to work in the factory producing stuff, though the boss collects whatever profit the workers in the factory produce.

It is also know as "impersonal property" and is considered the defining part of capitalism. Anarchists (most notably P.J. Proudhon) and communists contrast private property with personal property, personal property being things like the house you live in, your bed, your guitar, your computer, your shoes, etc. which you are actively using for yourself and thus have the right to exclude others. Private property on the other hand creates an illegitimate authority and, according to them, must be abolished.

My boss operates an apple orchard on acres and acres of private property he inherited from his parents and hires us to harvest all the apples for him, and while he makes a great deal of money off the apples he pays those of us who actually pick the fruit $6 an hour, but he's able to because he owns the orchard.

by ConservatismSucks June 11, 2010

66👍 3762👎

16 and pregnant

A show on MTV profiling the lives of teen girls (all from either the south or midwest and all from working-class backgrounds) and how fucked up their lives become after getting pregnant. About 90% of the show's content features the girls arguing and swearing at their parents and/or baby daddy about stupid shit (shows how harsh pregnancy hormones hit) or breaking down at the stress of having fucked without a rubber.

This show is like junk food for the mind a la The Jerry Springer Show/Maury. It is to TV what cash4gold is to fine jewelers, or what University of Phoenix is to the Ivy League.

16 and Pregnant is the next generation of trash TV.

by ConservatismSucks June 2, 2010

230👍 190👎