Source Code

Ray pissed

The shortest version of Raymond Has Urinated, do not utter this around sensitive groups as they might mistake this phrase for 'rapist'

Marie: Where's Ray going? Did he spill his drink?
Robert: Naw, Ray Pissed..
Debra: Rapist?! Where?!!
Robert: No.. Raymond urinated in his pants. What do you see in him?

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns February 17, 2019

41👍 1👎


Acronym. Derogatory, but not a slur.

Some Hoe Acting Really Krazy
Also spelled S.H.A.R.K.
If they have a big mouth, are always on the move, eat up all the meat, and/or have a taste for blood, you've got a metaphorical Shark on your hands. No excuse

Release it into the wild, harpoon and make a steak, I don't care. I'm not going near more Sharks if I can't eat em. End of discussion.

Forget a thot, they're just a hoe in a place. A Shark is much worse for your health & more dangerous, and is easier hunted with quantum harpoon technology ™

Whether you're Every Shark Killaz, Any Shark Killaz, or No Shark Killaz politics at the docks seems to agree Sharks aren't a good thing. Best stay away.

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns January 9, 2021

19👍 3👎

West Virginia Papadia

A sex act similar to the Cleveland steamer, but it's your father & he ate a bunch of Papadias™ from Papa John's.

Tim: I heard your dad gave you a Cleveland Steamer, is that true?
Kim: Worse, it was a West Virginia Papadia

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns October 30, 2020

39👍 1👎


Definition 1: Proper noun
An insulting term used in place of the emo band (formerly rap group) Twiztid
Definition 2: Noun
An insulting term for fans & / or artists associated with Twiztid. A specific type of juffalo that's MNE fan or artist that hates on Psychopathic records for whatever reason Twiztid pulled out of their ass recently.

Plural form: Twizzlaz

Alternative spellings apply, regional dialects and pronunciation may vary

Definition 1
J: I don't care if you listen to Twizzla, I'm not givin' a dime to that Tragic Ninja label

Definition 2
J: are you listening to emo music dude? Turn that whiney shit off!
N: But it's my favorite song by this new band Twiztid, I saw them at warped tour.
J: Kid, I'll steal you some CDs from bands you like more if you turn that Twizzla shyt off for good. They used to be Juggalos & aren't about that life now.
N: good shyt unc, let's fuckin' go!

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns January 2, 2022


K.A.P.O.S. is an acronym for Kill All Pedophiles On Site.

When nambla showed up the pride parade, we all shouted K.A.P.O.S. before beating them and tossing their bodies in the sewer. Trash like them don't belong in our community.

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns November 18, 2021

The Original Me Generation™

The "Me" generation in the United States is a term referring to the baby boomers generation and the self-involved qualities that people associate with it.

Tim: The Original Me Generation™ were Boomers, according to an essay by Tom Wolfe
Bill: What would you know? You're just a millennial? Haha
Tim: I'm a Zoomer grandpa.. Gen Z? Remember?
Bill: What were we talking about? Where's my nerve pill? Why is it so cold?..

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns February 17, 2019

17👍 1👎


W.I.M.P. is an abbreviation for
W - Women
I - Idolizing
M - Mediocre
P - Penis
Literally the female equivalent of a Simp

A: This milf donated $500 on my twitch stream. She's a female Simp.
B: so she's a WIMP?
A: Pretty much, yeah.

by CorpseGrinder5000Returns December 23, 2020

10👍 1👎