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chick surfing

To pick up chicks or hook up with chicks.

Dude lets go chick surfing at the club tonight.

by Corzocl December 28, 2007


1-(v.)A crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity against his or her will.

2-(adj)A word used to describe how badly one was beaten in a playing event such as video games or any physical sport. A word mostly used by teenagers that enjoy video games.This word is a harsher then "owned" or "pwned."

see. obiterated

1-The kidnapper raped a girl so that why he is being sent to prison.

2-Jeff: How did the Halo 2 match up go?
Chris: Not good I lost.
Jeff: By how much?
chris: 32 to 1
jeff: DUDE! You got raped!

by Corzocl February 20, 2006

302👍 161👎

shot to the head

(n.) A word that describes something harsh said to some body that causes mental and emotional disconfort. A "shot to the head" is caused by a low blow or a harsh comment.

When Shelly told me "get a job you idiotic pig," it felt like a shot to the head.

by Corzocl February 21, 2006

29👍 11👎

up the ass

A form of saying you have so much of something, you literally have to say "up the ass." When using "up the ass" pronounce "the" as "thee".

Jeff has baseball cards up the ass.

by Corzocl February 27, 2006

247👍 71👎