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Something your son won’t have if he gets vaccinated

‘Autism’ wasn’t even a bad thing in the first place.

by Couch_King October 2, 2022

11👍 31👎


the Latin word for bread closer. It may be unnecessary of a name, but I love it.

person one: "look at my 'occlupanid' collection
person two: "um, what."

by Couch_King September 5, 2022

The pledge of allegiance

The weirdest cult like experience where you announce your undying loyalty to a country that is failing you. Required in schools.

The pledge of allegiance is fucking weird.

by Couch_King September 11, 2022


Minor attracted perso- SIKE. It means multi animator project. Lemme explain. Most MAPS have music to it, but there can be acting and scenes from a show or movie. There’s a lot of parts that separates the audio, someone asks for a part and they can animate over it. Sometimes there’s a script, sometimes you just do whatever. There are also beginner friendly MAPS to. MAP does not mean minor attracted person, the animation community has been using it for years, they can’t just make it mean pedo.

“Hey can I have “MAP” part 13?”
“Sure thing!”

by Couch_King May 7, 2022


A character which has been a victim to practically every pre-teen novel.

It doesn’t matter what their parents their other personality, hobbies, backstory or motives are, whether or not book reading correlates with their character, it’s part of them.

Basically; Book-readers are characters in books where book reading is a personality trait, when it’s not.

‘Book-reader’: “ugh, your so annoying, maybe read a book. Books are interesting.”

Reader: “cringe”

by Couch_King October 2, 2022


A term for someone who identifies as a the opposite gender from what they were born with.

No, your five year old son is not ‘transgender’

by Couch_King October 2, 2022

19👍 38👎