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The best fucking number of all time

Wow, 29 is so fucking cool

by CrammyCram June 22, 2023

8👍 10👎

Orchestra kid

The Orchestra kid is like a band kid, but a lot less heavy into meme culture. They usually are social outcasts but don't use memes in every sentence. They use Discord and Reddit almost certainly. These people are a lot more mature and tend to have a better sense of humor. These people occasionally use memes in their sentences.

Band kid: OOF! Hey Coen 'sup BEN #lol goofy ahh uncle BOI
Orchestra kid: Hey man, that was sus. Tone it down.
BK: THAT WAS SUS LOL bean *t-poses* OK: Please get far away from me.
Orchestra kids are band kids, but you can tolerate them.

by CrammyCram June 2, 2022

13👍 1👎


Software that slowly digs up your information without you knowing.

Moleware is similar to Spyware, but much more subtle. It’s slowly digging up your information from underground where you can’t see, just like mole.

Isaac: Dude, I just found out that the pirated copy of Call of Duty that I bought was filled with Moleware.
Tommy: You mean Malware?
Isaac: No, Moleware, the kind that steals your information without you knowing.
Tommy: So…Spyware?
Isaac: It’s complicated

by CrammyCram September 11, 2023


That stands for not gonna lie my guy.

nglmg, she's so arrogant.

by CrammyCram May 11, 2022

3👍 1👎

Beekeeping Age

See also: DILF
An older male who is attractive, comes from an episode of Rick and Morty where Summer’s friend spots Jerry keeping bees and remarks “He’s definitely Beekeeping age”, later saying “I want to fuck your dad, Summer”

Wow… he’s definitely Beekeeping age, look at that body!

by CrammyCram June 17, 2024


Mushrooms are a type of fungi that grow in dark, damp environments all over the world. The usually come in the shape of a dick and taste like it too.

Some have flat caps, some are kinda conical, and some have little bells and funnels.
Most mushrooms represented in media have a light tan stem and a red and white spotted cap. These mushrooms are actually deadly and know as fly agaric mushrooms.
But Mario seems to get a high off of them.
Speaking of high, mushrooms are also used for recreational purposes such as getting high and hallucinating.
After usage, this results in a ‘trip’ which can either be bad or good depending on where you are and who you are with.
But this drug is illegal in most US states, but a few allow it.
Anyways, back to actual mushrooms.
Their main purpose is to take materials around them using Enzyme spit and break them down into shit like oxygen and nitrogen and stuff like that. Y’know, the stuff we need to live.
Also they look silly as hell.
Mushrooms are cool as fuck.

dave: ooh lookit that pretty little mushroom
jaiden: shut the fuck up dave.
dave: aw shucks

by CrammyCram August 12, 2023

19👍 2👎


The response you get when you say the most vile, absurd, hateful, harmful, horrible, terrible, disgusting, despicable, delusional, terrifying, deliberate, unfathomably evil words to ever come out of your mouth.

“hey girl are you a pumpkin cause I want to slice off the top of your head, scoop out your insides and cut your face up and hang it outside my house”

by CrammyCram March 7, 2023