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Gay incestuous sexual attraction

I think my brother might be alabamgay for me!

by Crapfeces July 20, 2022


White teenager who listens to nothing but rap and thinks he's so cool and gangster. He wishes he was black when deep down he just wishes he had a BBC. Female wiggers are usually whores who post lewd pics on Instagram and they always have at least one video seductively sticking their tongue out. They say "nigga" a lot even though they're rich white kids from the good side of town

Chance is such a stupid wigger! He thinks being a fuckboy pimp is so cool

by Crapfeces September 5, 2023

Dick nipples

An insult you call someone after they either cockblocked you or did something else swxually frustrating.

My girlfriend's mom has dick nipples!

by Crapfeces November 28, 2022

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Special Ed

Where disabled students are treated like 4 year olds, usually turning them into complete idiots who can't do shit.

Dude 1: I was in special ed in high school for being just a little retarded.
Dude 2: So that's why you say stupid shit all the time.

by Crapfeces October 9, 2022

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McGehee, AR

A shitty little town in southeast Arkansas full of rednecks and hood rats. Apparently it's pronounced "McGee" but it's spelled fucking weird

McGehee, AR is hell on Earth. Stay the fuck away from there!

by Crapfeces June 25, 2023

Tim Commerford

The RATM bassist. He's a liberal cuck who hates his own race. He also pouted like a little bitch and made a huge deal when Limp Bizkit, a much better band, won the Grammy instead

Tim Commerford is an enormous sack of cringe

by Crapfeces June 25, 2023

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The ultimate delusional white libtard. Native to San Francisco and Portland

I identify as nig-binary and my pronouns are she/e/it

by Crapfeces September 5, 2023