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Puerto Rican and Dominan spang for Baseball.

Papi, vamos a jugar pelota un rato.
Dad, lets play baseball for a while.

by CrazyWey22 October 2, 2016

12👍 5👎


what you should be doing right now. get the fuck off urban dictionary and do it.

Do your homework, and stop looking it up, you know what homework is.

by CrazyWey22 April 3, 2017

3👍 1👎



the exam was cake

by CrazyWey22 February 10, 2017

199👍 56👎


the year WW1 started

WW1 started in 1914, after a Serbian national assassinated Franz Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia 7/28/1914.

by CrazyWey22 March 9, 2017

12👍 1👎


end of course exam. A standardized test in Florida that students have to take at the end of the year. Algebra 1 and 2 and Biology take this shit.

EOC testing is bullshit

by CrazyWey22 February 10, 2017

10👍 1👎