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noun; a wealthy patron to a casino, gets paid special attention by a casino host so the patron will feel comfortable to gamble more money.

My whale just walked in. He is hosting the Ferrari convention downstairs.

by Crazybmws June 22, 2011

217πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

beat the plastic

When a girl masturbates with a dildo. If she masturbates with a metal object, then the phrase would be beat the steel.

My girlfriend loves to beat the plastic and then send me pictures when I am not around

by Crazybmws March 16, 2011


adj: shorthand for modern, specifically describes something that has very horizontal or vertical lines.

That limo is so mod.

by Crazybmws October 1, 2011

26πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Gullwing Doors

noun; doors that can be aftermarket or stock on a car, where the door is hinged from the roof and opens vertically. Examples can be seen on the Mercedes 300SL or the Delorean

The Mercedes SLS AMG has the same gullwing doors the 300SL had when it was introduced over 50 years ago.

by Crazybmws January 10, 2012

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Device masturbation

noun; the act of being on an internet enabled device for no reason other than the pleasure of oneself.

"There's been a lot of device masturbation, if you will, and it needs to stop. I know your just updating your Facebook 15 times a minute, and there is no reason for it." My history professor.

by Crazybmws September 22, 2011

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Ghetto Freezer

noun: the place that served cold or perishable items are stored to keep them cold, only refers to a place that is not electrically, gas, or motor powered; does not necessarily have to refer to the ghetto, one can have a ghetto freezer for convenience.

Gangster 1 : Hey dawg where da milk at?
Gangster 2 : Yo, it's in the ghetto freezer cause I couldn't pay the electric bill.
Gangster 1 : Dumbass!

Zack: Welcome to the party, all the booze is out back in the ghetto freezer, there was not enough space in the fridge so we had to put them in the snow.

by Crazybmws February 15, 2010

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rich uncle

noun: The brother of your mother or father that has a lot of money but no kids. Usually a cool bachelor, drives an old muscle car or an expensive new car. May be quirky or strange but always loves to shower his nieces and nephews with gifts.

Last year my rich uncle Tim added a Corvette along side his 1964 Jaguar E-Type coupe in East Hampton. And the best part is he lets me drive the 'vette with the valet key he gave me!

by Crazybmws April 7, 2011

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