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1. A nickname appropriate for a drummer, violent alcoholic or chronic masturbator.

2. A drummer who lives deep in the woods. Sightings are rare and cause for several days of celebration.

3. A very cheap car; one you can drive recklessly without worrying because it is already a worthless piece of crap.

Dude, did you see Beater?

Yeah, man, we drank whiskey together for three days! It was awesome!

by Criscipline September 22, 2010

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1. An exclamation used when you can't believe that someone has said, asked or done something so stupid, or unbelievably stupid. Often said very sarcastically.

2. A brief way to question the integrity of a person or an act. Implies, "I am so unimpressed with this, and disappointed in you for doing such a thing."

1. This guy sat next to me on the bus and it was half empty! I'm a big dude with my broad shoulders and rock hard waist. I was like, "Really, man? Really?"

2. Dude, I think that chick is digging me. She's heeding to call of the romanatee.

Really, dude? Really?

by Criscipline September 23, 2010

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Tomfoolery; clowning; general jack-ass behavior. Upsetting to those who like peace and quiet and/or are old in age and generally angry or grouchy.

1. All these drunken fools running around....HEY! NO HORSEPLAY!

2. I want no part of the moshing in the elevator horseplay!

by Criscipline September 23, 2010

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1. Having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable. Not typical, unusual.

2. A good thing - not what your parents tell you to make you feel better about yourself.

1. Someone who is unique walks to their own beat, one often thought of in their head, then composed, then recorded.

2. "What is that guy doing over there?"

"Him? Don't worry - he's unique."

by Criscipline September 23, 2010

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1. The body's natural defense against stupid. Often used to belittle and/or amuse someone; incredibly humorous if used correctly.

2. The only language I speak.

Synonyms include: mockery, disdain, cynicism, scorn

Is your quad stuck in the mud?

No, no, of course not. I'm only practicing how to spray mud using my tires. Jackass.

Nice use of sarcasm, Rudy.

by Criscipline September 22, 2010

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