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When someone makes up a stupid thing that become extremely popular on social media and people copy it and you never here the end of it til the end of the year. Rarely any of them are good, only do things like #PrayforParis

Jonh: I hate all of thesetrends so much like:
Deez nuts
John Cena
Ducks face
Miley Cyrus....oh god
Whip nae nae
Cena: I don't care

by CrispyMiner December 3, 2015

61πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


To be ashamed of your ass.

"Man, I'm really asshamed, this mule just won't cut it."

by CrispyMiner September 28, 2020


A person who always insists that the newer episodes, including past season 9, of Spongebob Squarepants are forgettable garbage compared to its earliest episodes, specifically before the first Spongebob movie.

In the same vain as a Genwunner is to Pokémon.

Person 1: "The newer episodes of Spongebob are such garbage. Goes to show you how much pre-movie episodes will always be superior."

Person 2: "Ok Spongeboomer."

by CrispyMiner February 16, 2020

92πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž