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Mr. Ditkovich

Peter Parker's landlord in the OG Spider-Man Trilogy. Played by the great Elya Baskin. A retired Kraven the Hunter who now hunts rent instead of humans. He is Peter's father-figure and even goes as far as to offer him an orange after a dispute. Also goes by "Lord Of The Rent."

Example 1:
Person A: "Damn, man, my landlord isn't leaving me alone. He burst into my room at 1:00 AM while I was having sex and asked for rent."
Person B: Seems like you've got a Mr. Ditkovich on your hands, you pay rent or buy him pizza sometime or else you'll be in big trouble.
Example 2:
Peter Parker: Hi Mr. Ditkovich
Mr. Ditkovich: Hi? What's hi? Can I spend it?

by CristianoMuller December 16, 2020

Tobey Maguire

A phenomenal actor and producer who has starred in various films like Brothers, the Spider-Man Trilogy, The Great Gatsby, and Seabiscuit. He is especially known around the world for his definitive portrayal of Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Tobey Maguire stands out from other actors as a result of his incredible ability to convey emotion through his face which earned him a golden-globe nomination. You can tell what he’s feeling and why just by looking at his face which is a hard feat to pull off consistently. Recently he’s transitioned into a producer who runs “Material Pictures,” with two recent financial success that have both been bought by Amazon (and consequently are available on Amazon Prime) like Brittany Runs A Marathon (2019) and Duked (2020).

Girlfriend: Leave me alone
Boyfriend: Come on, let me help you out.
Girlfriend: You don't know what I'm feeling!
Boyfriend: Girl, you’re Tobey Maguire. I know exactly what you’re feeling.

by CristianoMuller March 2, 2021

67👍 3👎


An amazing guy who is super sexy, has amazing hair and is one of the most charismatic people at school. Some people may call him annoying but usually they are just jealous. He is a brainy jock who messes with the substitute teacher.

Dude, that guys almost as funny as Rami.

by CristianoMuller March 8, 2017

192👍 36👎