Source Code

droppin mayo

or droppin mayonnaise

AKA shooting one's load, skeet skeet skeet.
The launching of liquid semen from a male upon reaching orgasm.
Known to cause stains.

Guy 1: Yo, what'd you do last night?
Guy 2: I was up late droppin mayo all over your mom's sweet face. OOOHHHHH!

by Crunchyness November 20, 2007

46πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Post-it Superman dat hoe cape

Its when you don't have the time or effort to go through with a complete supermanning of that hoe. So you put a post it with a little superman symbol on it, so it looks like a mini cape.

Guy 1: Did you superman dat hoe?
Guy 2: no, I didn't want to whip it out in the office, but I gave her a Post-it Superman dat hoe cape.
Guy1: That's fucking tight!

by Crunchyness June 1, 2009

26πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

pubix cube

an rubix cube made from pubes

A friend that is acting like a retard

The cubing of ones pubes.

think of a rubix cube but made out of pubes.

Hey man! quit being a pubix cube!

Dude check out my pubix cube!

by Crunchyness April 16, 2007

20πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


One who rockclimbs stictly or mainly on boulders.

I consider myself mainly a boulderer. Mostly because the rope can become very limiting so my psyche.

by Crunchyness April 29, 2007

48πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

statement cookie

a fortune cookie that doesn't actually have a fortune in it, instead they package it with a lame statement like; Versatility is one of your greatest features.

Guy 1: Heh, what does you fortune cookie say?
Guy 2: Its not a fortune cookie its a goddamn statement cookie, it reads, " To understand a man, you must listen to his words."
Guy 1: Duh that's not only a statement, but its fucking obvious, more like a douche cookie.

by Crunchyness September 19, 2007

39πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

building cock

the art of raising a penis into a hard on

can be used like building my cock or whatever

this girl has been building cock all night.

I was sitting there with my roomate's chick, then all the sudden she started building on my cock. So I built it up in her.

by Crunchyness May 5, 2007

47πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A hot chica that kills it on the boulders. You know, perfect body and tough as rock.

Nothing better than being spotted and spotting a boulderesse.

by Crunchyness April 29, 2007

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž