Source Code


When a girl is naked and asleep under the covers and you get a flashlight (or a cell phone will do) and check out the goods. Usually done when you first sleep with someone, but can be done with girlfriends, friends, whatever.
A girl can perform this on a sleeping dude as well.

Laying there next to his hot one night stand, the perv grabs his cell phone and goes spelunking to get a closer look at her love clam.

by Crunchyness June 1, 2009

193πŸ‘ 224πŸ‘Ž


Happens when you are opening a container with a flimsy lid, i.e. yogurt, ranch, fry sauce, and the damn thing skeets all over you.
AKA the yogasm, squirgasm, and skeeting of the lid

Guy 1: What's that on your shirt?
Guy 2: Dude, my fucking yogurt skeeted all over me when I was opening it.
Guy 1: You got hit by a fucking lidgasm.

by Crunchyness September 19, 2007

51πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Bouldering on the side of cliffs.
Usually short cliffs.

Look there's a cliff, let go do some cliffdering.

I just got back from this desert trip, and along the way home I spotted some hot chicks climbing all over these cliffs, so I stopped to have a quick cliffdering session with them.

by Crunchyness May 23, 2007

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Turtle Farmer

one who farms turtles for a living.

a light insult when you dont want to get all vulgar. Unless you want to get vulgar then you add it to a vile slew of words

Guy1: Thats not a tortoise, that's a red eared slider.

Guy2: What are you a fucking turtle farmer?

You goddamn mutha fucking shit rolling dick lactating crack licking turtle farmer

by Crunchyness April 29, 2007

47πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Another Man's Fecal Matter

Like when someone uses a pulic bathroom and there are poop streaks and they are afraid of getting blamed for A.M.F.M.

I went in to the office bathroom and the guy before had left duty-streaks in the bowl. All I did was urinate, but as I left a cutie was heading to use the restroom and I knew she was going to blame me for A.M.F.M.

by Crunchyness May 12, 2007

47πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


the rampage of a woman with cramps

Guy 1: Did you see that? Your girl just hockey checked that chick, and then smashed through a wall. Dude, she was screaming like a bull and her veins were almost popping off all over.

Guy 2: Yeah, she's got pms, and she's on one of her crampages again

by Crunchyness February 1, 2008

52πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Another Man's Penile Matter

You know something you might find in the park or at a strip club.

So this girl came up to me at the club last night, and I don't think she noticed, but under the black light, you could totally see A.M.P.M. on her shirt.

by Crunchyness May 31, 2007

44πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž