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Kyiv (pronounced "KEEV", not "key EHV") is the capital of Ukraine, and when pronouncing it Ukrainian-style it means both the city and "fuck Putin".

ANY use of Kyiv means both the city and "Fuck Putin/Fuck Russia."

Kyiv was attacked by Russia today.

by CryptoKnight February 25, 2022

13👍 14👎

Information Hoare

Someone who seeks information for information sake, for processing, manipulation, storage, reporting, simply to ensure that it is available when asked for (or simply to claim to have it, useful or otherwise). Named after Tony Hoare, was a pioneer in programming and data processing (he created the Quicksort algorithm).

SysAdmin: Which logs do you need from my servers?
SecDude: All of them
SysAdmin: You don't need *all* of them, do you?
SecDude: I might . . .
SysAdmin: You're such an information hoare.

by CryptoKnight November 3, 2011

13👍 2👎