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A person who is a complete savage and/or a crazy risk taker, often used sarcastically.

Exhibit A:
Person 1: Hey, can I pay with a PayPal invoice?
Person 2: Nah, I get the money faster if it is a PayPal gift, and someone just offered to pay a gift.
Person 1: Damn, what an ABSOLUTE MADlad! No consumer protection!

Exhibit B:
Person 1: Hey, watch this!
Person 1: *Goes in the exit*
Person 2: Damn, what a MADlad!

Credit: Pewdiepie (subscribe so he can hit 696969 subscribers guys, that would be epic).

by CyroNub November 7, 2018

266👍 45👎


A Percocet is a prescription drug that people take, sometimes, as a substitute heroin or morphine, when taken in large quantities. It is often referenced in rap songs, along with the abundance of other drugs. The drug itself is a combination of (the opioid) oxycodone and (the mild pain and fever reliever) acetaminophen. The reason it is budget and/or not illegal heroin or morphine is because when taken in large doses it can cause feelings of euphoria/heightened pleasure and/or feeling(s) of calm and/or relaxation.

But, don’t take it if you think it is all safe as it is not.

An example of percocet used in rap is in The rapper lil skies’ song: ‘Fake’.

by CyroNub December 2, 2018

53👍 10👎