Source Code


Definition 1:

Definition 2:
Singer of a lot of jazz music.

Definition 3:
Oddly enough, contrary to definition 3 a person that is worthy is entirely uncreative and unable to coop with day to day challenges.

Definition 4:
Attach sticky hooks to the average fan. Wash panties... but be too stingy to pay for a dryer. Apply undies to fan hooks. Admire your work. Turn fan on. Scream in fear that you are watching panties swing around on the fan in a wibble wobble fashion. Pay for dryer afterall.

Definition 5:
Attempt to get revenge by sending out 20 emails with one word in each. Fail. Utterly Fail.

Definition 6:
Attempt to get revenge by making a bunch of phone calls. Fail miserably.

Definition 7:
Apologize for all of the above... and attempt to regain youthful innocence.

My panties are dry. I'll fix that the Worthy way!

I don't know what to do. I will be worthy.

by D'coy May 17, 2005

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