Source Code

The Strobe Light

To perform the strobe light, one must first have a couple of conditions in which must remain static during the art of copulation. The first condition is that this act must be performed in a room with ambient light provided by a lamp plugged in with an old=school "clapper" machine. The other condition is that the room should be completely dark when the light is turned in the off position.

So here we go.
Simply have un-gentle, hard sex (at a rigorous pace) with your partner so that it creates the typical "slapping" sound. This will activate the clapper, turning the light on and off at a rapid pace. EI, it's a fucking strobe light!!!

Last night I got wasted and started poundin' this chick. Dude, it was classic, we actually did the strobe light!

by DDubleYou September 30, 2007

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