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the act of doing nothing.

Johnny, Jack, and Paul had a long night of drinking on Saturday. Sunday morning they were extremely hungover. They sat on the couch all day smoked weed, ordered food, and watched a flick. They are in the act of Phapeing.

by DPSHIELDS April 20, 2016

9👍 1👎

Dark Path

The act of being on a streak of doing narcotics consistently. To fully embrace your Dark Path, one must combine a massive amount of xanax, alcohol, and cocaine and proceed to drive down your dark path home.

One night Daniel popped 5 xanax before a party, drank two 40 oz. and killed a bottle of burnetts vodka . He arrived to the party and immediately butt chugged a flask of Lairds Vodka. He stumbled to his car and drove 15 miles down his Dark Path.

by DPSHIELDS April 20, 2016

8👍 2👎