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During vaginal or anal sex you take off your condom without your partner knowing and explode your seed inside of them

I stealthed this chick I met at the bar last night

by DRACK April 25, 2017

48👍 16👎


A red rash that circles your entire mouth.

Look at Mike he has such a bad Rash-idi after being with that girl.

by DRACK January 6, 2010

11👍 8👎


When you have one of those very small dicks that could possibly be small enough to fit into a thimble.

"When i got out of that ice bath my dick was so small i was thimbling."

"I saw John testing whether or not he was Thimbling the other day" "Oh yeah what happened" "Slipped right on!"

by DRACK July 26, 2012

5👍 1👎