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Black Eyed Child

A kid from Indiana

Person 1: That kid is so weird.

Person 2: Ah, what do you expect? He’s a black eyed child.

Person 1: What’s that mean?

Person 2: It means he’s from Indiana.

Person 1: Oh yeah. That explains it.

by DTrix16 October 28, 2023


A stupid, overly religious person, especially a child.

That kid won’t eat meat because it’s “against his religion.” What a Cartur!

by DTrix16 February 5, 2023


A person who has little to no intelligence/moral compass/awareness/common sense, or brainpower whatsoever.

Did you see that random lady trying to discipline some kid she didn’t even know? That woman is such a fucking idiot! Everyone knows you don’t do that!

by DTrix16 November 24, 2021


A person who has little to no intelligence/moral compass/awareness/common sense, or brainpower whatsoever.

Did you see that random chick trying to discipline someone else’s kid when she didn’t even have kids herself? That woman’s such an idiot!

by DTrix16 November 24, 2021