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from the window to the wall

Originally Used in the Song "Get Low" by Lil Jon and The Eastside Boys
Usually just refers to people pointing in two different directions while dancing to the song.

From the Windoooooow to the Wall,
Till the sweat drops down my balls BALLS!

by DUbman June 30, 2004

40👍 129👎

Cock Piecing It

To do sumthin in a really spastic way....
To make somethng simple into a huge ass deal for no reason.

Watch this guy switch lanes next time .....He Cock Pieces It.

by DUbman June 30, 2004

1👍 2👎

Pizza Protien Stick

A Penis With Herpes.....
Refering To the penis as the protein stick because of Semen's high protein content.
And Pizza refering to the herpes looking like the toppings from pizza on a mans penis.

Watch out for that Guy.....He rocks a pizza protein stick.

by DUbman June 30, 2004

1👍 4👎