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putting one through her

1. Sticking your dick in the girl's vagina.
2. Shooting a person, preferablly a woman, in the chest.

That girl is so hot that I think I'm going to be putting one through her in a couple minutes.

I put one through her for being an asshole.

by DYLANNNNNNNNNNNN. April 10, 2006

13👍 18👎

cherry picker

1. When you scratch your balls so much that they crack and start to bleed.
2. When you finger a girl when she's on her period.

Dude, I was scratching my balls a lot last night and I darn gave myself a cherry picker.

Jenna and I where about to have intercourse but I found out that she was on her period, so I just gave her a cherry picker.

by DYLANNNNNNNNNNNN. April 10, 2006

14👍 18👎


-A funnier word for stinky.
- The wrong pronunciation of "stinky" commonly said by black people's girlfriends

Oh shit girl, you be stanky up in hurrr.

by DYLANNNNNNNNNNNN. April 10, 2006

398👍 218👎