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This sun of a beach is quite the character. She's mad stupid yet smart at the same time. She's got hella dry jokes but they're still funny. She ain't as good looking as my main boi daddy woody but she's definitely a close second. She's mad loyal so if you ever got a problem or need someone to talk to she got you covered. She's not the most talented person because she sucks ass at pretty much everything but she's good at soccer. She tends to fall in love with the ugly ass, annoying ass, dumb as fuck kids but it doesn't mean you ain't got a shot. Make sure to holler at her next time you find an Ania.

Girl: Hey I like you....
Boy: Oh um.... I sorta like you back but barely....
Girl: Oh that's okay.....
Random Ass Person on the Street: Man that dude lost himself an Ania.....

by Daddy Woody October 6, 2018

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