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The most amazing, crazy, hyper, smart, laid back, childish kind of girl. The sweetest and best person to ever have in ur life.

I love u so much ania

by Partygirl39 January 9, 2018

142๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amazing beautiful girl, she is the best with the most amazing personality and the best body, she not that short, THICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ASF!!! And has a amazing boyfriend who will give her the world

Damn ania you lookin like a gennie wit day booty

by Bigbootyslaya June 6, 2019

43๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


She is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet, she is one if the nicest person in the the world. She will always have your Back no matter what. She is the type if friend that you can talk to. She has the priest body. Usually a short girl. She will always love you. When she finds the right guy she will take care of him and love him she will give him all of her. She usually waits for the right guy. Oh and she has a bigg booty. She is usually short and with a big butt.

I wish I was an ania.

by aa1999 May 29, 2015

134๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


polish chick all the way! a nerdlet at heart, but super funny & engages in random dancing at odd times. gets distracted easily, & does nto have a very large attention span. easy to talk to & get along with, Ania is an amazing friend with a book of dirty spanish words. she's gorgeous too, damn her. loves shopping (mainly for yoga pants & thongs) & is secretly a bad girl (HOODLUM!) oh. & her father is the coolest person alive (next to Ania of course...) MEEP<3

the new girl is SUCH an Ania!

by rellaaa April 10, 2010

265๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sweet loving person who would do anything for the people she loves. She is very smart and slow at the same time. She can be too giving at times but it's only because she cares and doesn't want to believe that people have a bad side to them. She is very weird, goofy, loud, and very annoying but you got to love her for it. When it comes to relationships things could get a little toxic. That's when the jealousy, overthinking, and assumptions start coming through. She doesn't mean any harm. But she she can be a little crazy. Depending on how much she cares she'll become obsessed. You don't want that! That's the most draining thing for everyone. For her friends, you, and her family. You just got bare with her. She is trying! There is also good that comes out when dating a "Ania". They are clingy(the good kind), loving, and they will always show you that they care by either reassuring you or showing it in gift. She'll also show her love through abuse and physical touch and by biting (yes, it is weird but we are not going to talk about that). In all "Ania"s are very loving people with a good heart. So if you have one take good care of them or else her crazy side will start kicking in. Also Ania's are very thick(not really but they like to believe they are) but just let them do them. Happy Ania Happy life.

My girlfriend Ania is perfect, as long as I don't do anything to make her mad.

by Corn dog lovers December 26, 2022


The sexiest girl and name in the world. A polish girl that likes her significant other to be brown or arab. Has a tight vag, very kinky, yet freak of a girl. If you're with an ania, you are the luckiest guy/girl out there; hang on to her.

''My girlfriend was being such an ania last night''


by adnannnnnnn12212 November 27, 2009

150๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


This sun of a beach is quite the character. She's mad stupid yet smart at the same time. She's got hella dry jokes but they're still funny. She ain't as good looking as my main boi daddy woody but she's definitely a close second. She's mad loyal so if you ever got a problem or need someone to talk to she got you covered. She's not the most talented person because she sucks ass at pretty much everything but she's good at soccer. She tends to fall in love with the ugly ass, annoying ass, dumb as fuck kids but it doesn't mean you ain't got a shot. Make sure to holler at her next time you find an Ania.

Girl: Hey I like you....
Boy: Oh um.... I sorta like you back but barely....
Girl: Oh that's okay.....
Random Ass Person on the Street: Man that dude lost himself an Ania.....

by Daddy Woody October 6, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž