Source Code


The swedish word for drugs
Knarkar is the word for taking drugs

Person1:Lets take some knark and fly high up in the sky?
Person2:Ok sounds cool
Person1: *knarkar*

by Damorte May 13, 2004

52👍 32👎


Romsan is a word that can be used for anything!

Romsan im feeling sad :(

Romsan!! :D:D:D

Romsan that was mean!! >:(

Ima godamn romsan you you godamn romsan!

You loook like romsan...

etc etc

by Damorte May 6, 2004

3👍 2👎


Cp: Cerebral Pares
A medical term for a nerv disease or brain damage wich you are born with. Wich leads to movement disorders and talking disorders.

Cp is often used in sweden when you want to proclaim how godamn retarded someone is.

Person 1: OMG HES FUCKING CP!!!!!!!
Person 2: Haha yeah i know hes a godamn cp child

by Damorte May 6, 2004

107👍 186👎


The Dictator of the Glorious
Rookgaard Army

Hail Damorte!

by Damorte May 7, 2004

1👍 1👎