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To thrust air in excitement. A vigourous movement of the hips. Not a subtle action.

Gary Neville's favourite celebration.

'Im gesticulating in the direction of the problem'
'Dont gesticulate here, you'll get us thrown out'
'YEAH!!! GET IT!! (said with gesticulation)'

by Danang January 24, 2006

12👍 52👎


An alternative to noob. Used to describe/insult a friend/collegue.

"Your are a nubjee"
"Please cross the road quickly you nubjee"

by Danang January 13, 2006


Derived from the term 'I cannot be arsed' or 'I cannot be bothered' - 'Kaba' is a term that can be descibe one's mental or physical condition as being deficient in alertness, activity or drive. One could say that an individual is resistant to work or is disposed to idleness when feeling a slight occurance of 'Kaba.'

'Kaba to play football'
'Im feeling rather kaba today'
'Kaba with this silly assignment'
'Kaba with your insults. I dont like you'
'Change the channel - Kaba to do it myself'
'Your such a Kaba-head'

by Danang January 6, 2006

46👍 21👎


Derived from the term 'I cannot be arsed' or 'I cannot be bothered' - 'Kaba' is a term that can be descibe one's mental or physical condition as being deficient in alertness, activity or drive. One could say that an individual is resistant to work or is disposed to idleness when feeling a slight occurance of 'Kaba.'

'Kaba to play football'
'Im feeling rather kaba today'
'Kaba with this silly assignment'
'Kaba with your insults. I dont like you'
'Change the channel - Kaba to do it myself'
'Your such a Kaba-head'

by Danang January 6, 2006

28👍 13👎