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This woman is absolutely phenomenal. There are very few things she is not good at. She is definitely a charmer and can have any guy she wants but she is too free-spirited to settle or be tied down right now. She doesnt take many things too seriously. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. She is absolutely gorgeous inside and out with the kind of beauty you only see once in your lifetime. She is the ultimate "bring home to mom" kind of girl. Her eyes are breathtakingly irresistable and you cant help but to always want another glance. Everyone falls in love with this girl. She is beyond talented and has an eye for photography. She can be completely inappropriate, but you can't help but to love her and her crazy antics. Any time shared with her is a time to be remembered, its never dull. She has this sense of "Kelsey Composure" where she won't ever show her vulnerability unless you're very close to her. She absolutely loves music although she can't play a single instrument. She strives to be independent and doesnt expect anything from anyone. She is the least judgemental person you will ever meet and she doesnt care about your past, just the present. She lives for every moment and only has positive energy. She doesnt need to be entertained to have a good time. She can sit back and relax like one of the boys but is so sexy when she wants to be. She'll be your friend unless you give her a reason not to.

kelsey gorgeous humorous fascinating heartbreaker chill sexy beautiful model one of a kind

by Danny2487 August 5, 2011

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