Source Code


A subject made by Satan himself if he had 10 IQ, “Prove this is a triangle” Look at it you fucking idiot, it’s infront of your eyes. Sometimes, this class is also known as Nap Time.

Beta Nerd: I love Geometry!
Sigma me: ZzzZzzzz

by Dat_Boi33 November 3, 2021

Furry Syndrome

When someone turns or identifies as a furry just because the person of their sexual/romantic interest is also a furry.

Richard: Yo that girl is cute what’s her name?
Michael: Bro she’s a furry you sure you want her?
Richard: UwU definitely <3

Michael: Damn that Furry Syndrome ain’t no joke fr

by Dat_Boi33 October 10, 2021

Instagram Ads

Ads on Instagram that are shit and once you download the fucking app, you get greeted with the “free trial” bullshit. This is why you don’t advertise apps on mf Instagram

Yo, I think Instagram ads are the best

Nigga shut the fuck up and kiss me 😍😍

by Dat_Boi33 March 28, 2019

Valentine’s Day

A day when You literally jack off 47 times non stop and your dick falls down because you are so fucking lonely.

Ugly ass girl: you wanna be my valentine? It’s Valentine’s Day

Me: lmao no go back to sucking donkey dick

by Dat_Boi33 February 14, 2018

2👍 5👎


A fucking nightmare when teachers want to know your how smart you are and make you shove money up your ass to buy supplies because your school is broke as fuck. Then the whole entire week you remember you had to do a project and you say “tomorrow I’ll do it” then you wake up for school the day it is due and you are like “oh shit the project! The teacher will rape my report card!” And have the teacher scream at you because you didn’t do it.

Yo you did the project?

Lmao fuck no fucking nerd

by Dat_Boi33 February 14, 2018

4👍 3👎

Area 51

A shit event that took 2 month to plan ahead. And when it finally happened, they got stopped by 2 officers. That’s all it took to Ruin a 2-month plan. It was also Awkward as shit.

Me: If you don’t shut the fuck up about that Area 51 bull shut I’m going to pull your arms off and shove it up your ass

by Dat_Boi33 September 26, 2019


A place where there are no laws and you can get away with murder and assault. Fights break out, the lunch is just paper formed into food, drama happens, and school shooters. You also spend 1/5 of your precious life on a piece of shit school.

Dad:You like school son?

Kid: Shut your chromosome Google Chrome Chicken bone skin tone no phone home phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome chromosome tf ass up.

by Dat_Boi33 September 23, 2019

1👍 2👎