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Best Friend For Life or Best Friend 4 Life

Carter is BC's bf4l yeah look at them together thugging...

by Dazzle August 5, 2003

23👍 12👎

tail feather

female part of a butt

hey yo shake that tail feather

by Dazzle July 23, 2003

8👍 21👎


Mashin is a word used to descibe beating some one up very badly. Or also can be used as insultin someone very badly.

Example = Man I seen you at the club the other night straight mashin on that mutha.
Meaning: I saw you at the club the seriously beating someone up.

by Dazzle June 4, 2006

30👍 21👎


BaNaNotch is just anotha word for Bitch

Tell that BaNaNotch to get the hell out of my house.

by Dazzle October 27, 2006

High Roller

Rich guy that has a nice car, nice clothes and buys everything he likes.

Yo that guy with that benz a high roller yeah.

by Dazzle August 5, 2003

574👍 260👎