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mobility scooter bird

A human female that happens to be ugly in appearance.

Last night I rode a mobility scooter bird for a few hours after getting hammered at the local pub... now it hurts when I pee.

by DeanPalmer September 26, 2011

10👍 4👎


When a person from Lubbock, Texas is oblivious to the world and only knows of current happenings relevant to their little hick town which is over 500KM from any major city. A person that lives inside of a lubble is usually an ignoramus and has lost all hope in life to succeed outside of their redneck town.

I used to know a girl who had potential in life until she moved to Lubbock, TX and started to live inside of a lubble.

by DeanPalmer April 11, 2011

22👍 11👎

Colombian boiler

Similar to that of an Italian Boiler, whereby a restrained man's penile shaft is dipped into a pot of boiling water, but substituting coffee for the water.

Last night I accidentally shot a load onto my sister's wedding dress, so my Filipino-descended father with a clubbed foot tied me up with a rusty chain and gave me a Colombian Boiler.

by DeanPalmer September 30, 2011

8👍 2👎


Similar to that of a two-stager, a three-stager is a strenuous part of the human evacuation process which occurs when one engages in the act of wiping excess excrement from the rectum and has to evacuate for not only a second time, but a third, thus leading to the necessary engagement in yet a third separate round of wiping the fecal matter from the anus.

After eating some of Barry's homemade frosted ketchup the other day, I took an unbelievable three-stager which totally smelled like my dad's sweaty grundle.

by DeanPalmer January 17, 2011

17👍 4👎


A strenuous part of the human evacuation process which occurs when one engages in the act of wiping excess fecal matter from the rectum and has to evacuate for a second time, thus leading to the necessary engagement in yet another round of wiping the excrement from the anus.

After a scrumptious serving of Dean's meatballs, I took a huge two-stager which emitted a scent which replicated that of downtown Mumbai.

by DeanPalmer January 17, 2011

15👍 5👎