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You are the idiot for needing to know the definition of idiot.

You are the idiot for needing to know the definition of idiot.

by DeltaGamerAlt September 25, 2019


A green, cublike monster commonly associated with the game Minecraft, as it is one of the game's mascots and its face often appears in promotional art and videos for it. It spawns at low light levels in any area and will not burn in the daylight like other mobs (mobile entities) that spawn in low light levels. It can spawn anywhere that has low light levels except for the Nether and The End. It has 20 health, and will try to sneak up on you, as it makes no sound except when it is about to explode or when it has taken damage. Once it has gotten close enough to a player, it will self-destruct and explode. There is also a different type of creeper called a charged creeper, which can appear if a creeper is struck by lightning. A charged creeper has a larger blast radius compared to a normal creeper.

Creeper: *explodes*
Game: {playername} was blown up by Creeper

by DeltaGamerAlt September 24, 2019

You're Gonna Have a Bad Time

sans undertale

you have the feeling that you're gonna have a bad time

by DeltaGamerAlt September 24, 2019

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A basic bitch of a white girl, or alternatively, a rapidly increasing subspecies of the basic girl. Commonly associated with the phrases "and I oop!" and "sksksks". Can be seen wearing scrunchys, oversised shirts, shorts (usually ones that cannot be seen, due to it being covered by the large shirt), a shell choker, and Vans, or Birks shoes, or crocs. Can also be seen holding a hydroflask, at least 99.9% of the time. Favorite car is often a jeep. And of course, uses the app VSCO.

VSCO Girl: "And I oop! Sksksksksksksksk!"
Me (and everyone else): SHUT UP!!!!11!!!!!11!!1!

by DeltaGamerAlt September 24, 2019

Urban Dictionary Name

A bunch of definitions of names of ordinary people. Definitions of urban dictionary names are often putting the person's name in a good light, by saying stuff like "an amazing person to be around" or "wonderful in every way possible". Go ahead and search up one urban dictionary name, or just one random real life person name, like Amy, or George. Go on, see how they're literally all the fucking same.

Urban Dictionary Name doesn't need to be used in a sentence, but here's one anyways:
A random (probably 12 or 11 year old) Urban Dictionary user posts a name of a random person, probably themselves, with a definition of the perfect person.

by DeltaGamerAlt October 8, 2019

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Urban Dictionary

The website that you are looking at right now. Was a good idea, until it was flooded with horny people who make up fake (and often sexual) definitions of words. Of course, there are the token minorities that actually try to make this place more like a dictionary, and less like a shitshow that defines words improperly. Sadly, that's a very small portion of this community, and is still filled to brim with (sexual) slang definitions of real words, such as box.

Urban Dictionary: Define your world!
Everyone: *writes sexual definitions of every word imaginable, even non-sexual words*
Urban Dictionary: *visible confusion*

by DeltaGamerAlt September 24, 2019



Karma's a bitch

by DeltaGamerAlt September 25, 2019