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Vancouver Canucks

A shitty/pussy hockey team based in Vancouver with the most dumbass fans who get excited af after winning one series after 9 years. Also, got their ass kicked by the Big Bad Boston Bruins in the 2011 Finals after taking cheapshots at Bergeron (one of the most respected players in the NHL) and then complaining like bitches when the Bruins kicked their ass later in the series. Vancouver fans are very obnoxious and almost as delusional as Leafs fans if that is even possible. For example, after getting outscored 23-8 against Boston in 2011 and being blown out 4 times during the series (only went to game 7 cuz they won 3 games by 1 goal every time and Luongo saved their ass) , they somehow still manage to try and justify how they should have won the series. Not only this, but their dumbass fans burned down their city after getting smoked 4-0 in Game 7 of the final.

Fred: Hey how come the Bruins are kicking the Vancouver Canucks' ass so badly, both on the score board and physically.

Mark: Oh, that's just because the Vancouver Canucks thought they were gonna intimidate the Bruins in Games 1 and 2 by attacking Bergeron and taking pussy cheapshots including giving Nathan Horton a concussion. That's why the Bruins are kicking their ass now.

Fred: Ohhh now that makes sense.

Mark: Yea don't worry about Canucks fans. They'll find a way to paint the Bruins as the bad guy without giving their pussy team any responsibility for taking cheapshots.

by DementiaBiden2020202020202020 September 9, 2020

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