Source Code

Ihan Ferrari

When a kids fat and ugly and is annoying


by Deo demon June 12, 2022

Fortnite loera

When you extract fat from a fortnite skin and use it to masturbate

Dude last night I did a fortnite loera to myself

by Deo demon January 26, 2022

Fortnite cup

When a girl diarrheas in ur milk and u mix it like chocolate milk a vomit in her asshole

Dude Valerie made a fortnite cup for me when I was thirsty

by Deo demon June 11, 2022

Fortnite rogelio

When a girl gives ur balls a middle part and eats it out

Dude stop negging before u get a fortnite Rogelio

by Deo demon January 24, 2022

Fortnite rogelio

When your sphincter blows up and a girl eats up the remaining poop inside it

Stop negging me before I give you a fortnite rogelio

by Deo demon January 24, 2022

Fortnite black coffee

When a girl pees in a cup and then poops in it and mixes it up and drinks it

Dude Jessica makes the best fortnite black coffees

by Deo demon January 21, 2022

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Fortnite cortinas

When you eat the fungus off a girls foot and drink milk with it

Shut up and have a fortnite cortinas breakfast

by Deo demon February 4, 2022