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felicia loera

the most bestest girl you will ever meet. she has a great ass. also she is super sexy even when she does not think she is. her boyfriend is also pretty good looking. she has a great personality. she is really bright, georgous and extremely funny.

felicia loera is great

by zachattack718989 March 26, 2012

1👍 1👎

Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera

The biggest pussy on Earth. Made up a fake make believe cartel because he was scared for his life cuz he probably couldnt handle the effects of marijuana. Also calls himself el chapo or in English "The midget".

Human 1: Fuck Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera

Human 2: Fuck El Chapo.

Human 3: Fuck Spicxaco

Everybody on Earth: HELL YEA!

by Real life gangsta $ December 7, 2021

59👍 3👎

brianna alize loera

the best cousin in the world i love her <33333

Hey look it’s brianna alize loera ! My best friend.

by richards girlfriend November 22, 2021

Fortnite loera

When you extract fat from a fortnite skin and use it to masturbate

Dude last night I did a fortnite loera to myself

by Deo demon January 26, 2022


Usually a bitch who lives at the golf course

You're a Loera

by Loera July 8, 2022