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taco anxiety

Similar to sausage fears, taco anxiety is a visible uneasiness some men show about physical contact with platonic female friends.

"Oh, he has major taco anxiety. I told him to put his arm around me as we walked, but he looked uncomfortable and didn't know where to put his hand."

by Deome July 3, 2015

discontent aggregator

A discontent aggregator is a website or other publication composed primarily of articles seeking to expose, shame, and/or shower with contempt any person, organization, or pop-culture belief or artifact that offends the aggregator's particular ideology. Discontent aggregators are like content aggregators in that they produce articles about nearly everything in publication, but differ in that their articles primarily focus on criticizing every topic for violating the aggregator's beliefs.

Both the Men's Rights website, ReturnofKings, and the Women's Rights website, Jezebel.com, would be examples of discontent aggregators.

by Deome May 28, 2015

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shit or get off the pot

"make a decision." This phrase is most commonly used towards a person or group whom the speaker feels are behaving indecisively. Often occurs in tense situations where the speaker believes a quick decision is necessary or urgent. Sometimes delivered as "life advice."

"Shit or get off the pot. Don't just sit there waiting for a better option, or hoping someone will fix it for you."

by Deome June 17, 2015

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burrito penance

The grueling, and often painful, bathroom experience that may occur as a direct result of eating burritos.

"Saturday night burritos? You'll be doing Sunday morning burrito penance!"

by Deome February 2, 2016