Source Code


A fancy, new word for gross, nasty, sick(in a bad way) or anything along those lines.

Ketchup on eggs!? pukatronic...

by Devadander90 July 11, 2008

10👍 1👎


Where, in an mmorpg, a player pulls a creature that can cause serious damage into a city, group of players, or civilization.

Hordie: Did you see that kite with Kazzack that someone made to stormwind!? Everyone got epic pwnd! It was incrediculous!
Allie: More undiculous if you ask me...

by Devadander90 July 10, 2008

11👍 28👎


A major alliance city in the MMORPG, World of Warcraft. The NPCs mainly consist of humans.

Someone awesome kited Kazzack to Stormwind so all who reside there would get epic pwnd! Sadly...they probably got permabanned.

by Devadander90 July 10, 2008

15👍 5👎


So incredible or amazing, that it's insane, or ridiculous.

Person #1: Did you see that kite someone made to Stormwind?? That was incrediculous!

Person #2: Kind of undiculous if you ask me...

by Devadander90 July 11, 2008

3👍 1👎

Serious Damage

Code word for using the bathroom for a long time. As if sick.

"Dude, are you doing some serious damage in there?"

by Devadander90 July 11, 2008

3👍 2👎


When the situation is ridiculous, but not funny.

Larry the cable guy is just....undiculous.

by Devadander90 July 11, 2008

9👍 2👎


Another name for food.

Hang on, afk, I need teh fuel!

by Devadander90 July 11, 2008

27👍 13👎