Source Code

Daniel Song

Guy who is a joker.

Guy: I have you seen Daniel Song? He’s literally Joker 2 movie material.

by DinkyMcdungus October 28, 2022

Richard Liu

Slang term for man who whips people with his cock.

“Bro I met a Richard Liu last night on the street, thank god he didn’t get me.”

by DinkyMcdungus October 28, 2022

Nolan Wang

Term for someone’s girlfriend who turns lesbian.

Guy 1: “Did you heard, Jack’s girlfriend turned GAY”
Guy 2: “I think he’s a Nolan Wang”

by DinkyMcdungus October 28, 2022

Tony Yuan

Gayest man in the universe.

“Bruh you heard of Tony Yuan? I heard he is so GAY that he wrecks the universe.

by DinkyMcdungus November 14, 2022

Sam Wang

Slang term for guy who eats a lot of pussy

Guy 1: “Bro I had sex with a girl last night”
Guy 2: “What a Sam Wang”

by DinkyMcdungus October 28, 2022

Bill Zhao

Stands for a man that plays like a GOD

“There were many gods in this world, but none of them plays like BILL ZHAO”

by DinkyMcdungus October 31, 2022

Jack Wang

Slang term for leader of the Kool Kids Klan

The FBI went after Jack Wang for years, but they never got him.

by DinkyMcdungus November 14, 2022