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artillery only

a group dedicated to the feat of completing an hoi4 campaign using only artillery, and spreading the word of artillarus, their god. Most mature members don't really spam, instead going for a more peaceful protest, with non-toxic/inflammatory remarks and opinions.

Person 1: Hey man, how's it goin'?
Person 2: Not bad, but have you heard of the artillery only challenge?
Person 1: What's that?
Person 2: It's where you only use artillery to win in the game Hearts of Iron 4.
Person 1: Neat, is there anything else to go with it?
Person 2:Sure, we have a community of 400 strong members, and a Discord server at discord.gg/yMz5key

by Disciple_of_artillarus August 29, 2018

35👍 6👎