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A Peter is awesome. A Peter is funny. A Peter is the guy you turn to who essentially is your non-gay gay best friend (or NGGBF for short). Every girl wants one, and every girl that has her own Peter is eternally grateful for him. Some might even call him a "Good Luck Chuck", which may be true considering that after you've had a Peter, you know what to look for in a man from then on out. Though a Peter may be hard to catch since he is widely popular and well liked, super cute in his own charming sort of way and attracts a lot of attention, tends to always have plans, and though he loves everyone, he's very particular when it comes to matters of his own heart.

I'm having such a crappy day, I wish I had a Peter to make me feel better.

If only I knew a Peter, then maybe I'd stop dating such douche bags!

by DixieChick August 19, 2013

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