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a word used to describe a thing you throw

i yeeted elmo
yeet *throws a paper ball at a bin* *makes it in the bin*

by Dizzardary May 5, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

fortnite emote

the most gay rip off ever

to show how much money you spend on emotes

person 1:i bought a fortnite emote in the item shop

person 2:cool fortnite is gay and a waste of money

by Dizzardary May 5, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A medium - short is a short medium.

person 1: that's a Medium-Short sandwhich
eg 2: You Finished the race just medium short of first.

by Dizzardary October 21, 2022


When a man sucks his own dick by bending backwards.

"I went shopping and witnessed a slurpiling and tried slurpiling myself."
"my dad took me to his (secret hideout) and we committed slurpiling #fatherandsonbonding"

by Dizzardary June 12, 2022


indian way of saying ok

odkeh boomer

by Dizzardary May 5, 2020


milk comes from gods tits

hes god he can have tits

god blessed us with milk

by Dizzardary May 5, 2020

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


when the nipple goes and or transforms in to a boob

i had nippleation yesterday

by Dizzardary May 5, 2020