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Backwater Place

A backwater place is characterized by it's technological & social stagnation and/or regression in terms of it's capacity for need fulfillment.

The Earth in 2022 is a backwater place. Everybody doesn't have full Human Rights. Hate Groups still exist. Climate Change isn't solved. And I can't print out unlimited robot waifus to join me in full-dive vr JPMMORPGs.

by Doc_Transcendent April 23, 2022

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1)Imbued with the nature of pondering.
2)Something worth pondering over.

It was a ponderous fact that Professor Moriarty smelled like 'Lily of The Valley' that day.

It came as a great surprise to me that my newly made robot found itself so ponderous that it immediately set itself upon the task of studying the nature of ethics.

by Doc_Transcendent January 14, 2022


Someone who is intelligent but lacks wisdom. Often because they have some sort of opinion in the way.

Often Intellishit people will use large words and speak verbosely while missing the point altogether. The essential and the crux is not their forte.

Bob is such an Intellishit. He can quote dozens of scientific articles, but is still an anti-vaxxer.

Did you hear that Margaret has become an Intellishit too? She fell in with the Climate Change denying crowd.

by Doc_Transcendent January 11, 2022